So, all of us go through this constant battle between the heart and the brain. Sometimes, it is the heart that wins and other times we let our brain take the charge. But, have you ever wondered what's the thing common to both of them? It is YOU. Both of them belong to you. And for me, they are not two different things at all. They complement each other in beautifully possible ways and you can't do anything if you ignore one of these. Actually it's a metaphor for Emotions VS Logic, where heart belongs to emotions and feelings and brain belongs to logic and intellect (for those who say that the heart is just a muscle and it's function is to pump blood etc etc). To survive in this world, LOGIC plays a great role because you should have a practical approach about everything that has happened, is happening and will happen. You can't just run from the truth and ignore all the realities to live in your self made artificial fantasy world. This can cause serious damage t...